14  Training with luz

At this point in the book, you know how to train a neural network. Truth be told, though, there’s some cognitive effort involved in having to remember the right execution order of steps like optimizer$zero_grad(), loss$backward(), and optimizer$step(). Also, in more complex scenarios than our running example, the list of things to actively remember gets longer.

One thing we haven’t talked about yet, for example, is how to handle the usual three stages of machine learning: training, validation, and testing. Another is the question of data flow between devices (CPU and GPU, if you have one). Both topics necessitate additional code to be introduced to the training loop. Writing this code can be tedious, and creates a potential for mistakes.

You can see exactly what I’m referring to in the appendix at the end of this chapter. But now, I want to focus on the remedy: a high-level, easy-to-use, concise way of organizing and instrumenting the training process, contributed by a package built on top of torch: luz.

14.1 Que haya luz - Que haja luz - Let there be light

A torch already brings some light, but sometimes in life, there is no too bright. luz was designed to make deep learning with torch as effortless as possible, while at the same time allowing for easy customization. In this chapter, we focus on the overall process; examples of customization will appear in later chapters.

For ease of comparison, we take our running example, and add a third version, now using luz. First, we “just” directly port the example; then, we adapt it to a more realistic scenario. In that scenario, we

  • make use of separate training, validation, and test sets;

  • have luz compute metrics during training/validation;

  • illustrate the use of callbacks to perform custom actions or dynamically change hyper-parameters during training; and

  • explain what is going on with the aforementioned devices.

14.2 Porting the toy example

14.2.1 Data

luz does not just substantially transform the code required to train a neural network; it also adds flexibility on the data side of things. In addition to a reference to a dataloader(), its fit() method accepts dataset()s, tensors, and even R objects, as we’ll be able to verify soon.

We start by generating an R matrix and a vector, as before. This time though, we also wrap them in a tensor_dataset(), and instantiate a dataloader(). Instead of just 100, we now generate 1000 observations.


# input dimensionality (number of input features)
d_in <- 3
# number of observations in training set
n <- 1000

x <- torch_randn(n, d_in)
coefs <- c(0.2, -1.3, -0.5)
y <- x$matmul(coefs)$unsqueeze(2) + torch_randn(n, 1)

ds <- tensor_dataset(x, y)

dl <- dataloader(ds, batch_size = 100, shuffle = TRUE)

14.2.2 Model

To use luz, no changes are needed to the model definition. Note, though, that we just define the model architecture; we never actually instantiate a model object ourselves.

# dimensionality of hidden layer
d_hidden <- 32
# output dimensionality (number of predicted features)
d_out <- 1

net <- nn_module(
  initialize = function(d_in, d_hidden, d_out) {
    self$net <- nn_sequential(
      nn_linear(d_in, d_hidden),
      nn_linear(d_hidden, d_out)
  forward = function(x) {

14.2.3 Training

To train the model, we don’t write loops anymore. luz replaces the familiar iterative style by a declarative one: You tell luz what you want to happen, and like a docile sorcerer’s apprentice, it sets in motion the machinery.

Concretely, instruction happens in two – required – calls.

  1. In setup(), you specify the loss function and the optimizer to use.
  2. In fit(), you pass reference(s) to the training (and optionally, validation) data, as well as the number of epochs to train for.

If the model is configurable – meaning, it accepts arguments to initialize() – a third method comes into play: set_hparams(), to be called in-between the other two. (That’s hparams for hyper-parameters.) Using this mechanism, you can easily experiment with, for example, different layer sizes, or other factors suspected to affect performance.

fitted <- net %>%
  setup(loss = nn_mse_loss(), optimizer = optim_adam) %>%
    d_in = d_in,
    d_hidden = d_hidden, d_out = d_out
  ) %>%
  fit(dl, epochs = 200)

Running this code, you should see output approximately like this:

Epoch 1/200
Train metrics: Loss: 3.0343                                                                               
Epoch 2/200
Train metrics: Loss: 2.5387                                                                               
Epoch 3/200
Train metrics: Loss: 2.2758                                                                               
Epoch 198/200
Train metrics: Loss: 0.891                                                                                
Epoch 199/200
Train metrics: Loss: 0.8879                                                                               
Epoch 200/200
Train metrics: Loss: 0.9036 

Above, what we passed to fit() was the dataloader(). Let’s check that referencing the dataset() would have been just as fine:

fitted <- net %>%
  setup(loss = nn_mse_loss(), optimizer = optim_adam) %>%
    d_in = d_in,
    d_hidden = d_hidden, d_out = d_out
  ) %>%
  fit(ds, epochs = 200)

Or even, torch tensors:

fitted <- net %>%
  setup(loss = nn_mse_loss(), optimizer = optim_adam) %>%
    d_in = d_in,
    d_hidden = d_hidden, d_out = d_out
  ) %>%
  fit(list(x, y), epochs = 200)

And finally, R objects, which can be convenient when we aren’t already working with tensors.

fitted <- net %>%
  setup(loss = nn_mse_loss(), optimizer = optim_adam) %>%
    d_in = d_in,
    d_hidden = d_hidden, d_out = d_out
  ) %>%
  fit(list(as.matrix(x), as.matrix(y)), epochs = 200)

In the following sections, we’ll always be working with dataloader()s; but in some cases those “shortcuts” may come in handy.

Next, we extend the toy example, illustrating how to address more complex requirements.

14.3 A more realistic scenario

14.3.1 Integrating training, validation, and test

In deep learning, training and validation phases are interleaved. Every epoch of training is followed by an epoch of validation. Importantly, the data used in both phases have to be strictly disjoint.

In each training phase, gradients are computed and weights are changed; during validation, none of that happens. Why have a validation set, then? If, for each epoch, we compute task-relevant metrics for both partitions, we can see if we are overfitting to the training data: that is, drawing conclusions based on training sample specifics not descriptive of the overall population we want to model. All we have to do is two things: instruct luz to compute a suitable metric, and pass it an additional dataloader pointing to the validation data.

The former is done in setup(), and for a regression task, common choices are mean squared or mean absolute error (MSE or MAE, resp.). As we’re already using MSE as our loss, let’s choose MAE for a metric:

fitted <- net %>%
    loss = nn_mse_loss(),
    optimizer = optim_adam,
    metrics = list(luz_metric_mae())
  ) %>%

The validation dataloader is passed in fit() – but to be able to reference it, we need to construct it first! So now (anticipating we’ll want to have a test set, too), we split up the original 1000 observations into three partitions, creating a dataset and a dataloader for each of them.

train_ids <- sample(1:length(ds), size = 0.6 * length(ds))
valid_ids <- sample(
  setdiff(1:length(ds), train_ids),
  size = 0.2 * length(ds)
test_ids <- setdiff(
  union(train_ids, valid_ids)

train_ds <- dataset_subset(ds, indices = train_ids)
valid_ds <- dataset_subset(ds, indices = valid_ids)
test_ds <- dataset_subset(ds, indices = test_ids)

train_dl <- dataloader(train_ds,
  batch_size = 100, shuffle = TRUE
valid_dl <- dataloader(valid_ds, batch_size = 100)
test_dl <- dataloader(test_ds, batch_size = 100)

Now, we are ready to start the enhanced workflow:

fitted <- net %>%
    loss = nn_mse_loss(),
    optimizer = optim_adam,
    metrics = list(luz_metric_mae())
  ) %>%
    d_in = d_in,
    d_hidden = d_hidden, d_out = d_out
  ) %>%
  fit(train_dl, epochs = 200, valid_data = valid_dl)
Epoch 1/200
Train metrics: Loss: 2.5863 - MAE: 1.2832                                       
Valid metrics: Loss: 2.487 - MAE: 1.2365
Epoch 2/200
Train metrics: Loss: 2.4943 - MAE: 1.26                                          
Valid metrics: Loss: 2.4049 - MAE: 1.2161
Epoch 3/200
Train metrics: Loss: 2.4036 - MAE: 1.236                                         
Valid metrics: Loss: 2.3261 - MAE: 1.1962
Epoch 198/200
Train metrics: Loss: 0.8947 - MAE: 0.7504
Valid metrics: Loss: 1.0572 - MAE: 0.8287
Epoch 199/200
Train metrics: Loss: 0.8948 - MAE: 0.7503
Valid metrics: Loss: 1.0569 - MAE: 0.8286
Epoch 200/200
Train metrics: Loss: 0.8944 - MAE: 0.75
Valid metrics: Loss: 1.0579 - MAE: 0.8292

Even though both training and validation sets come from the exact same distribution, we do see a bit of overfitting. This is a topic we’ll talk about more in the next chapter.

Once training has finished, the fitted object above holds a history of epoch-wise metrics, as well as references to a number of important objects involved in the training process. Among the latter is the fitted model itself – which enables an easy way to obtain predictions on the test set:

fitted %>% predict(test_dl)
... [the output was truncated (use n=-1 to disable)]
[ CPUFloatType{200,1} ]

We also want to evaluate performance on the test set:

fitted %>% evaluate(test_dl)
A `luz_module_evaluation`
── Results 
loss: 0.9271
mae: 0.7348

This workflow of: training and validation in lock-step, then checking and extracting predictions on the test set is something we’ll encounter times and again in this book.

14.3.2 Using callbacks to “hook” into the training process

At this point, you may feel that what we’ve gained in code efficiency, we may have lost in flexibility. Coding the training loop yourself, you can arrange for all kinds of things to happen: save model weights, adjust the learning rate … whatever you need.

In reality, no flexibility is lost. Instead, luz offers a standardized way to achieve the same goals: callbacks. Callbacks are objects that can execute arbitrary R code, at any of the following points in time:

  • when the overall training process starts or ends (on_fit_begin() / on_fit_end());

  • when an epoch (comprising training and validation) starts or ends (on_epoch_begin() / on_epoch_end());

  • when during an epoch, the training (validation, resp.) phase starts or ends (on_train_begin() / on_train_end(); on_valid_begin() / on_valid_end());

  • when during training (validation, resp.), a new batch is either about to be or has been processed (on_train_batch_begin() / on_train_batch_end(); on_valid_batch_begin() / on_valid_batch_end());

  • and even at specific landmarks inside the “innermost” training / validation logic, such as “after loss computation”, “after backward()” or “after step()”.

While you can implement any logic you wish using callbacks (and we’ll see how to do this in a later chapter), luz already comes equipped with a very useful set. For example:

  • luz_callback_model_checkpoint() saves model weights after every epoch (or just in case of improvements, if so instructed).

  • luz_callback_lr_scheduler() activates one of torch’s learning rate schedulers. Different scheduler objects exist, each following their own logic in dynamically updating the learning rate.

  • luz_callback_early_stopping() terminates training once model performance stops to improve. What exactly “stops to improve” should mean is configurable by the user.

Callbacks are passed to the fit() method in a list. For example, augmenting our most recent workflow:

fitted <- net %>%
    loss = nn_mse_loss(),
    optimizer = optim_adam,
    metrics = list(luz_metric_mae())
  ) %>%
  set_hparams(d_in = d_in,
              d_hidden = d_hidden,
              d_out = d_out) %>%
    epochs = 200,
    valid_data = valid_dl,
    callbacks = list(
      luz_callback_model_checkpoint(path = "./models/",
                                    save_best_only = TRUE),
      luz_callback_early_stopping(patience = 10)

With this configuration, weights will be saved, but only if validation loss decreases. Training will halt if there is no improvement (again, in validation loss) for ten epochs. With both callbacks, you can pick any other metric to base the decision on, and the metric in question may also refer to the training set.

Here, we see early stopping happening after 111 epochs:

Epoch 1/200
Train metrics: Loss: 2.5803 - MAE: 1.2547
Valid metrics: Loss: 3.3763 - MAE: 1.4232
Epoch 2/200
Train metrics: Loss: 2.4767 - MAE: 1.229
Valid metrics: Loss: 3.2334 - MAE: 1.3909
Epoch 110/200
Train metrics: Loss: 1.011 - MAE: 0.8034
Valid metrics: Loss: 1.1673 - MAE: 0.8578
Epoch 111/200
Train metrics: Loss: 1.0108 - MAE: 0.8032
Valid metrics: Loss: 1.167 - MAE: 0.8578
Early stopping at epoch 111 of 200

14.3.3 How luz helps with devices

Finally, let’s quickly mention how luz helps with device placement. Devices, in a usual environment, are the CPU and perhaps, if available, a GPU. For training, data and model weights need to be located on the same device. This can introduce complexities, and – at the very least – necessitates additional code to keep all pieces in sync.

With luz, related actions happen transparently to the user. Let’s take the prediction step from above:

fitted %>% predict(test_dl)

In case this code was executed on a machine that has a GPU, luz will have detected that, and the model’s weight tensors will already have been moved there. Now, for the above call to predict(), what happened “under the hood” was the following:

  • luz put the model in evaluation mode, making sure that weights are not updated.
  • luz moved the test data to the GPU, batch by batch, and obtained model predictions.
  • These predictions were then moved back to the CPU, in anticipation of the caller wanting to process them further with R. (Conversion functions like as.numeric(), as.matrix() etc. can only act on CPU-resident tensors.)

In the below appendix, you find a complete walk-through of how to implement the train-validate-test workflow by hand. You’ll likely find this a lot more complex than what we did above – and it does not even bring into play metrics, or any of the functionality afforded by luz callbacks.

In the next chapter, we discuss essential ingredients of modern deep learning we haven’t yet touched upon; and following that, we look at specific architectures destined to specifically handle different tasks and domains.

14.4 Appendix: A train-validate-test workflow implemented by hand

For clarity, we repeat here the two things that do not depend on whether you’re using luz or not: dataloader() preparation and model definition.

# input dimensionality (number of input features)
d_in <- 3
# number of observations in training set
n <- 1000

x <- torch_randn(n, d_in)
coefs <- c(0.2, -1.3, -0.5)
y <- x$matmul(coefs)$unsqueeze(2) + torch_randn(n, 1)

ds <- tensor_dataset(x, y)

dl <- dataloader(ds, batch_size = 100, shuffle = TRUE)

train_ids <- sample(1:length(ds), size = 0.6 * length(ds))
valid_ids <- sample(setdiff(
), size = 0.2 * length(ds))
test_ids <- setdiff(1:length(ds), union(train_ids, valid_ids))

train_ds <- dataset_subset(ds, indices = train_ids)
valid_ds <- dataset_subset(ds, indices = valid_ids)
test_ds <- dataset_subset(ds, indices = test_ids)

train_dl <- dataloader(train_ds,
  batch_size = 100,
  shuffle = TRUE
valid_dl <- dataloader(valid_ds, batch_size = 100)
test_dl <- dataloader(test_ds, batch_size = 100)

# dimensionality of hidden layer
d_hidden <- 32
# output dimensionality (number of predicted features)
d_out <- 1

net <- nn_module(
  initialize = function(d_in, d_hidden, d_out) {
    self$net <- nn_sequential(
      nn_linear(d_in, d_hidden),
      nn_linear(d_hidden, d_out)
  forward = function(x) {

Recall that with luz, now all that separates you from watching how training and validation losses evolve is a snippet like this:

fitted <- net %>%
    loss = nn_mse_loss(),
    optimizer = optim_adam
  ) %>%
    d_in = d_in,
    d_hidden = d_hidden, d_out = d_out
  ) %>%
  fit(train_dl, epochs = 200, valid_data = valid_dl)

Without luz, however, things to be taken care of fall into three distinct categories.

First, instantiate the network, and, if CUDA is installed, move its weights to the GPU.

device <- torch_device(if
(cuda_is_available()) {
} else {

model <- net(d_in = d_in, d_hidden = d_hidden, d_out = d_out)
model <- model$to(device = device)

Second, create an optimizer.

optimizer <- optim_adam(model$parameters)

And third, the biggest chunk: In each epoch, iterate over training batches as well as validation batches, performing backpropagation when working on the former, while just passively reporting losses when processing the latter.

For clarity, we pack training logic and validation logic each into their own functions. train_batch() and valid_batch() will be called from inside loops over the respective batches. Those loops, in turn, will be executed for every epoch.

While train_batch() and valid_batch(), per se, trigger the usual actions in the usual order, note the device placement calls: For the model to be able to take in the data, they have to live on the same device. Then, for mean-squared-error computation to be possible, the target tensors need to live there as well.

train_batch <- function(b) {
  output <- model(b[[1]]$to(device = device))
  target <- b[[2]]$to(device = device)

  loss <- nn_mse_loss(output, target)


valid_batch <- function(b) {
  output <- model(b[[1]]$to(device = device))
  target <- b[[2]]$to(device = device)

  loss <- nn_mse_loss(output, target)

The loop over epochs contains two lines that deserve special attention: model$train() and model$eval(). The former instructs torch to put the model in training mode; the latter does the opposite. With the simple model we’re using here, it wouldn’t be a problem if you forgot those calls; however, when later we’ll be using regularization layers like nn_dropout() and nn_batch_norm2d(), calling these methods in the correct places is essential. This is because these layers behave differently during evaluation and training.

num_epochs <- 200

for (epoch in 1:num_epochs) {
  train_loss <- c()

  # use coro::loop() for stability and performance
  coro::loop(for (b in train_dl) {
    loss <- train_batch(b)
    train_loss <- c(train_loss, loss)

    "\nEpoch %d, training: loss: %3.5f \n",
    epoch, mean(train_loss)

  valid_loss <- c()

  # disable gradient tracking to reduce memory usage
    coro::loop(for (b in valid_dl) {
      loss <- valid_batch(b)
      valid_loss <- c(valid_loss, loss)
    "\nEpoch %d, validation: loss: %3.5f \n",
    epoch, mean(valid_loss)

This completes our walk-through of manual training, and should have made more concrete my assertion that using luz significantly reduces the potential for casual (e.g., copy-paste) errors.